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Welcom to the Contra Costa County Sheriff Cadets Web Site

     The Contra Costa County Sheriff's Explorer POST provides young adults an opportunity to experience the inner workings of a police organization and to serve their community.  The Contra Costa County Sheriff's Explorer POST is chartered through the Boy Scouts of America and managed by the Volunteer Services Unit.  The Explorer program is a co-educational program developed and supervised by the Volunteer Services Unit to provide an opportunity for young adults to explore a career in law enforcement. The Explorer Program is a part of the Sheriff's Community-Oriented Policing Program.

     Members of the Explorer Post are given the opportunity to participate in all parts of the Office of the Sheriff.  Explorer cadets must participate in two monthly meetings, and average of two community events each month.  Through ride-along, fly-along, competitions, Parades and the County Fair. The Explorers receive many unique experiences related to law enforcement.  For the past several years, members of the group have traveled to Arizona for the Annual Chandler Explorer Competition.           

     Sheriff's Office Explorers receive training in firearms, traffic and crowed control, radio procedures, first aid, Hand cuffing, ATV's, SWAT, and the legal process and crime prevention techniques. Participants in the Explorer Program are supervised by Cadet Advisors, who attend all major events.  Participants in the program must participate in twenty hours of activities each month.



To apply for membership with the Sheriff's Explorer Program, you must:

  •          Have an interest in law enforcement and community service. 

  •      Be between 14 and 20 years of age. 

  •      Maintain a 2.0 grade point average.

  •      Be in good physical and mental condition.

  •      Have no juvenile police record or poor driving history.

  •      Be able to pass a thorough background investigation.

  •      Complete an oral board interview

The Volunteer Services Unit is continually accepting applications for the Sheriff's Explorer Program. 

Adobe Application Available At Top Right of Page 


Fill out the application and either mail or delivery the application to:

Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office

Volunteer Services Unit
50 Glacier Drive
Martinez, CA. 94553

For any questions contact: Volunteer Services Coordinator
(925) 646-4461

Contra Costa County Sheriff Web Page

Links and Application